Tag Archives: Kardashians

JUNK: Bruce Jenner

Bruce Jenner
Birthday: October 28, 1949
Nationality: American
Occupation: Athlete, TV Personality, Motivational Speaker
Best Known For: Reality television series, Keeping up with the Kardashians

We will never be able to express how much of a JUNK Bruce Jenner is. Not only is he a real-life Frankenstein, but he is also the Kardashians’ official bitch.

Yeah, if the Kardashians read this they’d say, ‘we are a family, we love each other, we love Bruce!’ But that is crap. Bruce lets them walk all over them. He pays their bills and tries to hide away from them as much as possible, as seen on Keeping up with the Kardashians! Though, we can’t blame him. We’d hide away from them too if we were him.

And his Franken-face! He has publicly admitted having two face lifts. However, we’re not sure we buy that. One (or both) of them had to have been horribly botched. But we have a sneaking feeling that it may take more than one or two crappy face lifts to give anyone that terrible of a face.

And yes, we know that he is an Olympic athlete. But according to his Website, he is the “world’s greatest athlete.” And again, we have to question this. Especially because no one even remembers this.

Bruce Jenner, you are an official JUNK. Please crawl under a rock and take the Kardashians with you.

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